Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Love has finally arrived...

The lyrics of "When i Fall in Love" was coursing thru' my brain when i was trying to form the words to put into this blog of mine...I was constantly thinking of the series of books by Jean M. Auel and this is the second of the series of her books entitled "the Valley of Horses".

Two observations i've gleaned from this book:

The animals that Ayla adopted loved her alot, and when i say alot, they literally will try to please Ayla. Her horse named whinney was her first companion, has helped her in easing alot of her chores especially gathering food and daily needs by attaching a makeshift cart behind her back pulling it back to her cave. Her second companion happens to be the Lion Cub. She rescues this cub and began to take care of it, whenever she goes hunting, both of her animals will assist her to hunt and bringing back her kill. Interestingly, the horse in nowadays term, should be afraid of the lion as its the king of the jungle, but here, they learnt to live with one another although the horse was wary of the lion when it was brought back by Ayla. Ayla has been lucky to have a horse and a lion to be her companions as she continues to search for the others whom are the same as her which her adopted clan mother has been advising her to look for...

~ LOVE & SEX...
Is this book all about SEX? Yes and No, i guess in historical days, humans have only that to satisfy themselves especially for the male counterparts to release their urges. Hence, yes there are some SEX scene involved in this book but other than that, if you were to view it on purely that this is natural and normal for them to act this way, then its fine...Ayla finally finds her soulmate, Jondalar. A perfect heavenly match, unfortunately Jondalar has to bear some pain of his brother's death, Thonolan, killed by Ayla's pet Lion, baby. Jondalar was hurt in the process of trying to protect Thonolan and Ayla later rescues Jondalar. From then on, Jondalar knew that Ayla was the fated one to share his life with and stayed with her till one day, Jondalar feels that he should return back to where he came from and bring back the news of his brother's death. Together both Ayla and Jondalar will have to make the journey together and thru' lotS of dangers and learning from one another too as this is the first time Ayla gets to learn and know of the other's practices.

I feel envy for Ayla, she has finally found the others to share her life with. Thru' thick and thin, Jondalar will have to prove that he is the one who will and able to share his life with this incredible woman.

I've also attached pix of my pets as i think i like Ayla has also found solace in my animals, although my pets can't help me with my chores but its okay, as long as they don't create more chores for me...

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