Thursday, November 29, 2007

All about Prayer - G for Grace (Part 116)

The Lord is Here.

Let us in the stillness of our hearts, pray that we may have the consciousness of His presence and listen to His voice.

Let us in the stillness of our hearts, pray that God will reveal to us the things that hinder our peace.

Let us in the stillness of our hearts, pray that we may be filled with the Holy Spirit, and empowered to witness fearlessly against evil.

Let us in the stillness of our hearts, pray to be conscious of what is means when we say, "Thy Kingdom come."

By Michi Kawai

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Sire said...

It's such a shame that many a time one, including myself, forgets to pray rather relying on ones own fortitude. it would have been a lot easier to ask for God's help.

Valkrie ANGEL said...

Its not too late to do that, sometimes in our life, we need that timely and kindly reminder to remind us that He is there for us...